The world brand value ranking has been announced by Brand Finance, the world's leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy. 

According to the analysis, Viettel earned a brand strength index (BSI) score of 89,4 out of 100, up 4.2 points compared to that of last year, and a corresponding AAA brand strength rating. The brand strength index is calculated based on the results of surveys and customers’ assessments of the brand.

Viettel firmly maintains its leading position in Southeast Asia and 9th in Asia.

With the BSI, Viettel continues to firmly maintain its leading position in Southeast Asia and 9th in Asia and moves one place to rank 16th globally in the ranking.

Assessing Viettel's increase in BSI, Alex Haigh, Managing Director of Brand Finance in Asia-Pacific, said that the achievement comes from Viettel's strong commitments to digital transformation and sustainable development.

At present, Viettel maintains its position as the most comprehensive digital ecosystem provider with six platforms, namely digital infrastructure, digital solutions, digital finance, digital content, network security, and high-tech manufacturing. Viettel's digital solutions and services hold No.1 market share in the fields of health, education, and provincial government. The military group is also the core force ensuring network safety and security in Vietnam.

Last year, Viettel built a sustainable development report, titled "Technology with heart," focusing on six key areas of high-quality human resources, shaping of digital society, information security, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, smart green data centers, and transparent and accountable governance. The determined key areas demonstrate the military business’s aspiration to use technology and core competencies to solve social problems, improve the people's life, and promote sustainable development.

Translated by Tran Hoai