Outstanding collectives and individuals honored at the event

At the 14th edition, Viettel honored ten outstanding individuals and ten collectives selected from 70,000 staff and employees from its affiliated units and ten international markets. They have been working in telecommunications; information technology solutions and digital services; research and production of high-tech industry; delivery, logistics and trade globally.

In spite of facing numerous challenges in developing new products and services, individuals and collectives of Viettel with enthusiasm have stayed united and together solved difficult problems of the nation.

The honored collectives and individuals have helped Viettel effectively deploy many new digital platforms with breakthrough results, including TV360, legal virtual assistant, virtual assistant for civil servants, research and production of 5G chips and 5G devices. Their contribution helped bring Natcom (Viettel brand in Haiti) to top position in Haiti, helping Viettel hold the No.1 position in seven foreign markets and Viettel's foreign telecommunications revenue grow 4 times higher than the industry’s average.

Viettel's Chairman and General Director Tao Duc Thang speaks at the event.

Speaking at the event, Viettel's Chairman and General Director Tao Duc Thang highlighted the honored individuals and collectives’ continuous efforts and their strong love for Viettel and their work. Thang expressed strong belief that Viettel’s employees will brave all difficulties and continue to make more contribution to the group.

Translated by Tran Hoai