Major General Nguyen Thanh Nam speaks at the event.

At the event, Major General Nguyen Thanh Nam, Viettel’s Deputy General Director, reported that the group has determined its overall goal that by 2030, it will have owned the top high-quality human resources in Vietnam and be among the leading groups in Southeast Asia in terms of digital technology and high-tech research capabilities.

Particularly, each industry sector of the group must have at least 3-5 regional leading experts (excluding the group's specific industries), and 30 per cent of the group's personnel work in the digital technology field.

Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh addresses the working session.

To this end, the Viettel official said that alongside developing its current personnel, the group also carries out policies to attract more domestic and international experienced experts. He confirmed that Viettel stands ready to enhance digital transformation in the military and in the country in general.

In his concluding speech, Gen. Vinh asked Viettel to directly engage in the digital transformation human resource training with the MND.

He requested the group to do research, adjust, and complete training documents and online learning platforms that have been applied to suit each officer and unit and make suggestions to the MND to include them in the military training programs.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Huy Vinh visits a class at Viettel Academy.

The deputy defense minister also asked the group to create conditions for information technology and digital transformation training and research institutions of the MND to exploit and use telecommunications labs, information technology, and get access to advanced chip designs.

Regarding Viettel’s recommendations and proposals, Gen. Vinh assigned the group to coordinate with relevant agencies to make a report to submit to the MND for consideration.

Translated by Mai Huong