The event was to mark the 65th anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Trail - the Foundation Day of the Truong Son Corps (May 19, 1959 - 2024).

At the seminar

Speaking at the seminar, Deputy Chief of the General Staff Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan recalled that in realizing the Party's creative strategic guidelines, in May 1959, the Truong Son - Ho Chi Minh Trail was built to transport supplies for the Southern battlefield during the resistance war against U.S. imperialists. 

During 16 years of service (1959 - 1975), Truong Son Soldiers overcame all difficulties and hardships to excellently fulfill the missions of opening routes, transporting supplies, combating, and performing international duties. In addition, Truong Son Soldiers, as strategic reserve force of the Ministry of National Defense, participated and collaborated with other forces in important campaigns, greatly contributing to the success of the resistance war against U.S. imperialists.

Historical witnesses join the seminar.

At the event, the organizing panel received 69 reports from leaders of the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff, the General Department of Political Affairs; historical witnesses, scientists inside and outside the military. Reports affirmed the great contribution of Truong Son Soldiers to campaigns during the resistance war from 1971 to 1975 and drew historical lessons to be applied to the current situation.

Delegates also clarified the importance of Truong Son Soldiers in the development and completion of the strategic supplies route and the successful accomplishment of their role as a direct strategic support force to the battlefields, especially to campaigns from 1971 to 1975.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Phung Si Tan speaks at the event.

Reports also affirmed that Truong Son Soldiers were an elite and effective combat force. They bravely fought and achieved many glorious victories, contributing to defeating the American invaders. They were the direct force in successfully actualizing the Party's guidelines on unity and joint combat alliance among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in the resistance war against the common enemy.

Translated by Tran Hoai