President Vo Van Thuong presents the Ho Chi Minh Order to Long An province’s Party Organization, administration and people for their excellent contribution to the revolutionary cause of the Party and State.

At the event, he presented the Ho Chi Minh Order to Long An province’s Party Organization, administration and people for their excellent contribution to the revolutionary cause of the Party and State.

Following the success of Vietnam’s Dong Khoi (General Uprising) Movement (1959-1960) in the South, the U.S. imperialists carried out the “Special Warfare” strategy which was built with three measures, including the establishment of “strategic hamlets.”

In September 1963, the provincial Party Committee decided to ramp up efforts to destroy the “strategic hamlets,” and Hiep Hoa – the largest commando camp in the South - was the target.

At the event

The victory of the Hiep Hoa battle opened a chapter in the glorious history of Long An provincial Party Organization and people’s resistance against the enemy. Besides, it was important for the Southern battlefield, helping expand the corridor that connected the Southeastern region with the Southwestern one and Cambodia’s Southeastern area.

In his speech, head of the Party Central Committee’ Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia highlighted the significance of the Hiep Hoa battle victory to the revolutionary movement in the South, describing it as a vivid illustration for the sound policy and resolve of the Party Central Committee and the provincial Party Committee.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia

He suggested the province sharpen focus on its key programs and tasks, and pay due attention to branching out local culture, society, education and health care in tandem with economic development, working to ensure social security and accelerating the reform of administrative procedures.

Earlier, President Thuong offered incense in tribute to Vo Van Tan, a former member of the Party Central Committee’s Standing Board, former Secretary of the Party Committee of the Southern region, and a loyal revolutionary soldier of the Party and State, at Duc Hoa crossroads historical relic site in Duc Hoa town.

He also visited and presented gifts to wounded soldier Pham Thi Liem who engaged in revolutionary activities and was imprisoned by the enemy.

Source: VNA