Hailing the province for establishing the association in 2009, Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue wished that its members would continue upholding the revolutionary tradition of steadfastness and determination in their struggle, diligence and creativity in their work while nurturing a sense of comradeship and contributing to national development.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (third from right, front row) and delegates

He also praised the association for ensuring legitimate rights and interests of its members, offering mutual support to reduce poverty, unearthing and repatriating 47 sets of remains of martyrs as well.

The Vietnamese Party, State and people always remember, appreciate, and care for those who have made contribution to the revolution, including revolutionary soldiers who were captured or imprisoned by the enemy, he said.

According to the National Assembly Chairman, the upcoming eighth meeting of the Party Central Committee will review the 10-year implementation of Resolution No.15-NQ/TW dated June 10, 2012 on several social policies during the 2012 – 2020 period, which includes policies for those who paid merit service to the nation.

He asked the provincial authorities to continue offering support to families of ex-revolutionaries and the association’s members, thus laying a foundation to pass down the spirit and determination of revolutionary soldiers to future generations.

Source: VNA