Speaking at the meeting, Chairman Hue emphasized that over the past 75 years, the Party, State and people have always been grateful and considered the care of wounded and sick soldiers, martyrs' families and those with meritorious services to the revolution as an honor and a responsibility of administrations at all levels, sectors, Vietnam Fatherland Front, people and present and future generations.

N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue speaks at the event.

Quang Nam is home to a very large number of policy beneficiaries, accounting for more than 23% of the province's population, and is one of the provinces that accounts for the largest number of people with meritorious services in the revolution, he said.

The province has more than 65,400 martyrs, more than 30,700 wounded and sick soldiers, and more than 45,500 contributors to the revolutionary cause. Especially, it is home to 15,332 mothers who were conferred and posthumously awarded the title of "Heroic Vietnamese Mothers."

While applauding the efforts of agencies, units and individuals for taking care of heroic Vietnamese mothers, wounded soldiers, martyrs' families and families of people with meritorious services to the revolution, the N.A. Chairman asked Quang Nam province to direct agencies, mass organisations and localities to fully and promptly implement preferential policies for people with meritorious services in line with State regulations.

It is necessary for the province to continue to mobilize resources to support people with meritorious services to solve housing problems in the coming years as well as pay attention to investing in upgrading war cemeteries and gathering martyrs' remains.

Chairman Hue presented the token of 1 billion VND (42,720 USD) supported by the Party Committee of the Central Agencies' Bloc to build houses for people with meritorious services in Quang Nam province.

At the meeting, the N.A. Chairman and Chairman of the Party Central Committee's Commission for Information and Education Nguyen Trong Nghia presented gifts to 75 outstanding revolutionaries in Quang Nam province.

The same day, N.A. Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue joined a delegation of provincial leaders to offer incense in tribute to martyrs at Quang Nam province's War Cemetery.

Also on July 27, Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai and his delegation visited the family of 102-year-old Heroic Vietnamese Mother Phan Thi Huu who resides in Dien Ban township’s Vinh Dien ward, and the family of Nguyen Thi Ty, a martyr's wife in Dien Thang Trung commune, as part of his working visit to Quang Nam province.

Source: VNA