At the exchange

During the event, two historical witnesses; Ha Phuong Lan, member of the Da Nang Patriotic Prisoners of War (POW) Association, and Huynh Ngoc Kim, Chairman of the Thanh Khe district Patriotic POW Association, shared with participants stories related to the Mau Than General Offensive and Uprising in Spring 1968.

Numerous students from Duy Tan University and Da Nang Tourism College were introduced to historical documents and objects, and watched documentary films to better understand the historic campaign, thus contributing to educating younger people of the nation’s revolutionary tradition and arousing their patriotism and national pride.

The Mau Than General Offensive and Uprising in Spring 1968 is a symbol of iron will of the Vietnamese soldiers and people, and lessons drawn from it bear valuable educational wisdom for the present and future generations to learn.

Translated by Trung Thanh