Currently, the Trauma and Orthopedics Institute of the Central Military Hospital 108 is tasked with receiving and treating about 300 patients every day. These patients have lower extremity trauma and joint surgery, so they have to use crutches for two to four weeks. Then they recover and can walk on their own.

Handing over crutches to patients in difficult situations.

To meet the need of patients facing trauma, the Social Work Board of the Central Military Hospital 108 has established and implemented the “Zero-VND Crutch” model. This model has a great meaning in supporting patients and their families, both spiritually and financially.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Tuan Quan, head of the Social Work Board, stated that this model holds humane meaning for patients undergoing treatment at the hospital and their families. The employees of the board will operate the model, while medical employees in clinical departments will instruct the patients and their families on how to borrow and use crutches.

The “Zero-VND crutch” model is implemented in the Department of Joint Surgery, and will be expanded to other trauma departments within the Institute of Trauma and Orthopedics.

Beside the success of “Zero-VND crutch” model, the Social Work Board has also carried out another model called “Supporting Patients,” while boosting dissemination of information about health issues to patients and their families.

Translated by Thanh Tung