At the handover ceremony

The two projects, worth VND 60 million in total, were built at Na Co Sa Primary and Secondary Boarding Schools.

According to Political Commissar of Na Co Sa Border Post Major Vu Van Hoa, in response to the “Water for children” program launched by the People’s Committee of Nam Po district, the unit called on Hanoli Joint Stock Company and benefactors to assist the construction of the projects.

Major Vu Van Hoa said that the water supply projects demonstrated the sentiment of benefactors and troops of Na Co Sa Border Post for ethnic minority children in border areas.

The happiness of students of Na Co Sa Secondary Boarding School at the handover ceremony

The political commissar of Na Co Sa Border Post expected to receive more assistance from organizations and individuals to help local people raise their material and spiritual life, thus strengthening military-civilian solidarity and firmly safeguarding national sovereignty and security in the new period. 

Translated by Song Anh