Major General Vu Trung Kien, Second-in-Command of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command chaired the event.

An overview of the event

According to a report, the issue of IUU fishing in Vietnam remains complicated. It directly affects the progress of the European Commission (E.C.) to remove its yellow card warning against Vietnam.

Major General Vu Trung Kien addressing the conference

Hence, thanks to thoroughly implementing directions and instructions from higher levels, so far the Vietnam Coast Guard Command has actively promoted information dissemination on IUU fishing prevention regulations, strengthened examination and strictly controlled fishing boats’ activities at sea.

Major General Vu Trung Kien extending Tet greetings at the Coast Guard Region 3 Command

At the same time, the unit has effectively grasped situations and closely worked with functional agencies to reduce the number of fishing vessels committing illegal fishing in foreign waters.

Major General Vu Trung Kien handing over Tet gifts to the Vietnam Coast Guard Command’s Anti-drug Unit No.3

During the conference, delegates pointed out shortcomings and limitations and mapped out appropriate measures to best fulfill IUU fishing prevention work in the following years.

Major General Vu Trung Kien visiting Ship CSB 4034

In his speech, Major General Vu Trung Kien asked affiliated units under the Vietnam Coast Guard Command to further implement solutions to IUU fishing prevention, closely worked with functional agencies, raise local fishermen’s awareness in observing fishing law and regulations, protect fishermen while they are doing business at sea, strictly manage fisheries exploitation, and effectively handle fishing boats’ violation cases.

Offering Tet gifts to Ship CSB 4034’s crew-members

Previously, Major General Vu Trung Kien led a mission to inspect combat readiness and preparations to welcome the lunar New Year (Tet) festival 2023 in Coast Guard Region 3.

Translated by Minh Anh