Accordingly, the recipients were Dinh Van Chuyen from Bung To So village; Dinh Tuynh from Brang Dak Kliet village; and Dinh Van Bien from Groi village, Ya Hoi commune, Dak Po district.

Regiment 38 and the local authorities hand over breeding cows to three households.

They were ethnic minority people living in difficult conditions and  lacked  experience in production and animal husbandry. Therefore, breeding cows will help them create sustainable livelihoods and escape poverty.

Before the hand-over ceremony, Regiment 38 coordinated with the local authority to instruct the three families on how to take care of and prevent diseases for breeding cows.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Ngo Tuan Anh, Political Commissar of Regiment 38, over the past years, along with implementing political tasks, the regiment has promoted mass mobilization and carried out a number of models and social security programs to help local people in the stationed area, thereby encouraging them to overcome difficulties and raising their living standards.

On the occasion, Regiment 38 presented rice, cooking oil, fish sauce, and other necessities to needy families in the locality.

Translated by Quynh Oanh