The visit was to check the provincial border guard force’s implementation of border work in the first six months of 2023.

Political Commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard Command Major General Nguyen Anh Tuan addressing the event

Briefed on the command’s task performance in the first half of this year, Gen. Tuan highly appreciated the unit’s outcomes in implementing the border work. 

Notably, the unit has thoroughly grasped and strictly implemented resolutions and directives on military and defense missions and border work, management and protection of national sovereignty and security, and maintenance of political security and public order in border areas.

During the event

In addition, the provincial border guard command has effectively carried out Party building and building of regular, comprehensively strong, exemplary, and outstanding units; strictly observed combat readiness regulations; well managed and educated troops to strictly abide by discipline and laws; and effectively combated crimes.

The unit has closely cooperated with local authorities and forces to effectively organize spring programs in 44 villages, provided free health check-ups and medicines for locals, launched “Zero VND stall” and made “banh chung” (square glutinous rice cake) for people in border areas, and presented gifts, worth VND 2,6 billion to policy families.

The Northwestern province’s border guard command has actively and pro-actively consolidated political bases at border districts and communes and effectively carried out programs to facilitate education for students in 22 border communes. The unit has so far provided monthly financial assistance for 57 students, adopted seven others, and regularly taken care of 230 students. Its officers have also exerted efforts to mobilize 356 school-age children to go to school.

Major General Nguyen Anh Tuan talking with troops of the Lai Chau provincial Border Guard Command

The unit has mobilized different resources to build two unity houses, worth VND 100 million in total. Thanks to its call, the Women’s Union of Phu Tho province handed over a 30-million livelihood model to needy women and presented gifts, worth more than VND 600 million, to local students. It has actively and pro-actively worked with provincial departments and organizations to present national flags and portraits of President Ho Chi Minh to 6,464 households in border villages on the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday.

Major General Nguyen Anh Tuan and the delegation, together with troops of the Lai Chau provincial Border Guard Command in a joint photo

The political commissar of the Vietnam Border Guard Command requested the provincial border guard command to actively strengthen political system at the grassroots levels, continue to help locals effectively carry out socio-economic development and hunger elimination and poverty reduction models and build a strong all people’s border guard posture. He urged the unit to strengthen political education, ideological management, and internal protection; take good care of troops’ material and spiritual life; build a pure and strong party organization and a strong and comprehensively-strong, exemplary, and outstanding unit.

Translated by Tran Hoai