At the late general’s home, General Luong Cuong and the delegation paid respect and profound gratitude to the late leader for his great contribution to the Party, the State, military and people.

General Luong Cuong and the delegation offer incense in tribute to late General Secretary Le Kha Phieu.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Kha Phieu was one of the excellent disciples of President Ho Chi Minh. Throughout his entire revolutionary career, no matter what position he held, he always tried his best to fulfill his duties assigned by the Party, State, military and people. He always heightened the spirit of a communist, the virtues of an "Uncle Ho's soldier," and wholeheartedly served the Fatherland and people. His great contribution to the cause of building a politically strong Vietnam People's Army was acknowledged and highly appreciated by the Party, State and people.

General Luong Cuong inquires after the late General Secretary’s relatives.

As the lunar New Year 2024 is drawing near, General Luong Cuong inquired after relatives of late General Secretary Le Kha Phieu and wished them a new year of good health, peace, and happiness. The GDP chief also hoped that they would continue to promote the family’s traditions and join hands to contribute to the development of the country and the growth of the military.

Translated by Quynh Oanh