Local people having their health checked

The working delegation of the provincial Border Guard Command, including experienced and competent doctors and nurses, provided health examination for around 200 locals in the border commune using modern medical equipment.

Those having their health checked included ethnic minority people, policy households, needy locals, and lonely people.  

Doctors and nurses providing health examination for locals

During the event, doctors and nurses also provided free health consultation and medicines for locals and equipped them with methods to protect themselves from diseases.

Reportedly, the program was held at a total cost of VND 90 million from the Dien Bien provincial Border Guard Command.

Locals receiving free medicines

According to Political Commissar of Nam Nhu Border Post Major Nguyen Dinh Hung, the border commune of Nam Nhu is home to a large number of ethnic minority people. Over the past time, despite the care of the province’s leadership and organizations, local people are still facing difficulties. Therefore, the military medical staff’s deeds held practical significance, contributing to consolidating the relationship between troops and people in border areas.

Translated by Song Anh