Accordingly, at 17:00 on May 22, the hail and thunderstorm occurred in Dien Bien Phu city, Dien Bien district, and some neighboring districts for about 20 minutes. Although the rainfall was low with hailstones as small as thumbs, the storm unroofed many houses and caused them to collapse.

A utility pole in Thanh Hung commune, Dien Bien district was broken and fell down after the thunderstorm.

In Lech Cuong village, Thanh Hung commune, Dien Bien district, the storm blew off roofs of numerous houses. At least two houses completely collapsed. Additionally, the hail and thunderstorm also damaged several buildings and power lines.

A house in Lung Thang 1 village, Huoi Mi commune, Muong Cha district, had its roof blown off by the storm.

On the evening of May 2, in a phone interview, Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Van Dai, Head of Thanh Luong Border Post under the Dien Bien provincial Border Guard Command, stated that immediately after the thunderstorm, the unit mobilized eight officers and soldiers to coordinate with local authorities and people to deal with the consequences.

The storm damaged the roof of the Medical Station in Xa Nhe commune, Tua Chua district.

Meanwhile, Colonel Phung Dinh Nguyen, Head of the Military Command of Dien Bien district, informed that his unit also coordinated with the local authorities to mobilize nearly 30 people, including civilians, to aid the people in overcoming the aftermath of the natural disaster. Currently, the forces were helping relocate people and properties to safe places, dismantle collapsing houses, trim fallen trees, and clean up the environment, among others. They were ready to build makeshift houses to stabilize people’s lives, he added.

Border troops support locals overcome natural disaster consequences.

In some adjacent districts such as Muong Cha, and Tua Chua, the hail and thunderstorm wreaked havoc on houses, public facilities, trees, and crops.

Up to now, no specific statistics on the damages have been disclosed.

Translated by Dang Khoi