During the event, the delegation offered incense to pay tribute to fallen soldiers; disseminated the guidelines and viewpoints of the Party and State on ethnicity and religion; organized artistic exchanges and programs to update local people and students on sea and islands-related situation, the Vietnam Coast Guard Law, missions of the coast guard force, and harmful effects of drugs.

According to Political Chief of the Staff Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command Senior Colonel Nguyen Quang Sy, the program was highly appreciated by local party committee, authorities, and people. It has contributed to raising officials and people’s awareness of the sovereignty protection cause and the coast guard force’s missions and broadening students’ understanding of the harmful effects of drugs.

As reported, in the coming time, the Staff Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command and Hung Son commune will continue the dissemination of sea and islands-related information, hold cultural and sports exchanges, respond to natural disasters, maintain political security and public order. These activities will contribute to completing the national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period.

On the occasion, the Staff Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command presented gifts to the People’s Committee of Hung Son commune, Bac Son High School, heroic Vietnamese mothers, war veterans, policy beneficiaries, needy families, and needy students. The total cost of the gift presentation activity is more than VND 300 million.

Delegates at the event
The program attracts the active participation of locals.
Senior Colonel Nguyen Quang Sy speaks at the event.
A needy family receiving gifts
The Staff Department of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command handing over gifts to Hung Son commune
Policy beneficiaries receiving gifts at the event

Translated by Chung Anh