The letter said, “Over the past years, border guard troops for anti-drug trafficking and crime suppression under the Vietnam Border Guard Command have worked with Lao functional forces in combating trans-border drug trafficking and crimes. Particularly, on June 1, 2017, the Department of Anti-Drug Trafficking and Crime Suppression under the Vietnam Border Guard Command, the Dien Bien and Son La provincial Border Guard commands, in association with the Department of Drugs Prevention under the Lao Police General Department, and police officers from Laos’ Udomxay province, cracked down on drug case 065Av, arresting two suspects and seizing 30 bars of heroin.

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The deed demonstrated the Vietnamese and Lao relevant forces’ bravery, high sense of determination, creativity, close coordination of forces to fight trans-border crimes, contributing to maintaining national sovereignty, political security, social order and safety along the shared borderline; and promoting solidarity and friendship between Vietnam and Laos, Gen. Lich added.

In the coming time, the general also asked Vietnamese border troops to continue working with Lao forces, grasp the situation, well maintain security and safety in border areas and stamp out drug crimes and reduce trans-border crimes, particularly drug trafficking, along the shared borderline.

Translated by Hong Thanh