PANO – Vietnamese Defense Minister, General Ngo Xuan Lich on October 5 sent a letter praising the Vietnamese border guards and the Lao police force for their great achievements in combating trans-border drugs trafficking.

(Photo for illustration)

The letter reads, “Over the past years, troops of anti-drugs trafficking and crime under the Vietnam Border Guard Command have collaborated closely with domestic and foreign anti-drugs forces in combating trans-border drugs trafficking and crimes. Particularly, on October 2, 2016, the Department for Anti-Drugs Trafficking and Crime under the Vietnam Border Guard Command in close coordination with the Department of Drugs Prevention under the Lao Police General Department and the Security Office of the Lao border province of Huaphanh to successfully complete investigation coded 050Av, which smashed off a large drugs trafficking line from Laos to Vietnam, arrested 5 suspects and seized 72 bars of heroin (each bar equivalent to 300gr).

The victory has resulted from the Vietnamese and Lao functional forces’ bravery, high sense of determination and responsibility, creativity, close coordination and mobilization of comprehensive forces to combat trans-border crimes. Your victory has contributed to maintaining political security, social safety along the shared border, building on confidence of the Party, State and peoples of Vietnam and Laos, and consolidating friendship, unity and traditional faithful ties between Vietnam and Laos.”

The Vietnamese Defense Minister also asked Vietnamese border guards to continuously attack crimes along the border, stressing that they should resolutely fight drugs dealers in border areas in the time to come as the situation of drugs trafficking across the shared borderline between Vietnam and Laos still remains complex.

To successfully fulfill the task, Vietnamese border guards should always put on the alert against crime, well maintain security and safety in border areas, always grasp the situation, mobilize local people to participate in the fight against crimes, and collaborate closely with their Lao counterparts to deny trans-border crimes, particularly drugs trafficking across the borderline.

Translated by Thu Nguyen