At a working session with the Standing Board of the CMC, the top leader affirmed the important role of the military in maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development, highlighting that it is a must for the armed forces to uphold combat readiness to safeguard the airspace, seas, and border and inland areas, join hands with other forces to sustain security order across the nation, and pro-actively respond to non-traditional security challenges.

He ordered the CMC and Ministry of National Defense to continue making strategic recommendations in military and defense matters to the Party and State, improve their research and forecast ability, have solutions ready to flexibly and effectively handle any situation, and work with relevant sides to implement the resolution adopted at the eighth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee on the strategy to protect the nation in the new situation, as well as related strategies, projects, and legal systems.

Party General Secretary and State President To Lam at the working session with the Standing Board of the Central Military Commission in Hanoi on August 28

The leader also reminded the military to deeply grasp the policy of all-people defense, people's war, and national protection in the new situation, and the viewpoint of relying on the people, and the people being the root, the center, and the subject. He asked the military to improve state management over defense at all levels, implement measures to consolidate the all-people defense and all-level defense regions, and well combine defense and economic development.

He particularly stressed that due attention must be paid to the building of a politically strong military and a strong and exemplary Party organization in the military, stressing the need to ensure the Party’s absolute and direct leadership in all aspects of the military. 

Meanwhile, international integration and defense diplomacy must be carried out in a harmonious, comprehensive and effective manner, ensuring the national interests at the highest level in line with the motto “more friends, fewer enemies,” and “firm in objectives, flexible in tactics,” he said.

The leader also required the CMC and the ministry to exert greater efforts to improve the material and spiritual lives of officers and soldiers, especially those stationed in remote, border and island areas.

Source: VNA