Various activities, including military parades, combat skills demonstrations, obstacle courses, and sports competitions, were executed with proficiency and precision. In addition, thousands of new models and technical initiatives were exhibited, reflecting a pro-active and creative spirit in applying science and technology to training and ensuring combat readiness among troops.

Parade during the opening ceremony for the training season 2025 at Brigade 147 (Naval Region 1, the Naval Service)
Units of Brigade 147 (Naval Region 1, the Naval Service) signing to join the 2025 emulation movement
A female soldier from Brigade 603 (Military Region 3) sings in celebration of the new training season.
A reconnaissance soldier from Regiment 141 (Division 3, Military Region 1) performs a fire circle pass.
Recruits from Battalion 9 (Armored Brigade 416, Military Region 9) prepare training equipment.
Young soldiers express their joy on the opening day of the training season.
A lion dance performance welcomes the training season 2025 at Signal Brigade 603 (Military Region 3).

Translated by Trung Thanh