State President Nguyen Xuan Phuc sent a congratulatory flower basket to the event which saw the presence of Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang.

Delegates discusses on the sideline of the congress.

Due to the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the congress was held in both in-person and online forms, connecting units from the north to the south.

On behalf of the Presidium, Senior Lieutenant General Do Can, Deputy Director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP), delivered the opening remarks, stressing the “heroic, unyielding, faithful and responsible” tradition of the Vietnamese women, heroic tradition of the Vietnam People’s Army and good virtue of Uncle Ho’s soldiers. 

Senior Lieutenant General Do Can delivers a speech at the event.

General Can emphasized that over the past five years, under the leadership of the Central Military Commission (CMC), Ministry of National Defense (MND) and GDP, the women affairs and military women’s movements have seen new changes in a comprehensive manner, creating motivation and good environment for the whole military’s women’s union members to perfect themselves in terms of virtue, capacity, and working experience to complete all assignments and make contribution to Vietnamese women’s patriotic emulation movements.

The deputy chief of the GDP highlighted the political meaning of this event so as to realize resolutions and directives of the Party, State, CMC, MND on women duties and movements, especially the Politburo’s Resolution No.11 on women affairs in the period of accelerating national industrialization and modernization.

At the congress under the motto “Solidarity - Intelligence - Courage - Democracy - Development,” Senior Colonel Phung Thi Phu, member of the Vietnam Women’s Union Central Committee and head of the Military Women Advisory Board, presented a GDP report confirming achievements in women affairs and women’s movements in the 2016-2021 period.

The highlight of the 2016-2021 period was the participation of 41 servicewomen in the United Nations peacekeeping operations. Attentively, since the COVID-19 outbreak, with the spirit of “fighting the pandemic is like fighting an enemy,” military women have actively carried out COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Moreover, among 9,000 women's union members involved in the pandemic control, 1,700 members have volunteered to work on the COVID-19 front-line. In addition, servicewomen have raised money and presented gifts, worth over VND 20 billion, to support front-line forces, their families and pandemic-hit people.

With a high sense of solidarity, responsibility, military women have surmounted all difficulties and completed all and even exceeded the set targets for the five-year action program in the 2016-2021 period.

In recognition of their great achievements, the State presented the Military Women Advisory Board the first-class Fatherland Protection Order on the occasion of the board’s 25th founding anniversary. The board has also been awarded with numerous certificates of merit from ministries. The accomplishments gained by servicewomen in the whole military have contributed to the building of a strong all people’s defense posture, an exemplary strong and healthy Military Party Organization, a revolutionary, standardized, elite, gradually-modernized military, and firmly safeguarding the Fatherland.

Addressing the event, Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang applauded military women for their achievements over the past five years and hailed party committees, chains-of-command and political agencies at all levels for their care and close direction over women affairs to make the work practical and effective.

Expressing his delight at positive changes in the women affairs and women's movement, and highlighting military women’s hallmarks in U.N. peacekeeping operations, COVID-19 fight, among others, General Giang asked the Military Women Advisory Board and cadres in charge of women affairs to actively and closely work with functional agencies, give recommendations to the CMC, MND, GDP and other higher levels to issue leadership policies, develop specific programs and measures to comprehensively and effectively carry out women affairs and women's movements.

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.
Scene of the congress

The defense minister affirmed that paying attention to women affairs and women’s movements is the political responsibility of the Party committees, chains-of-command at all levels, agencies and units in the military.

He believed that with dynamism, creativeness, and enthusiasm of officials in charge of women affairs and with efforts of all women union members, the women affairs and movements will reap more success, contributing to the military building, national defense consolidation and Fatherland protection in the new situation, deserving the good tradition of the heroic Vietnam People's Army.

On the occasion, on behalf of the CMC, the MND leaders, General Giang presented military women a “banner” with the words “Patriotic, united, creative, faithful, responsible” and expressed his wish that they would further strive to deserve the MND’s and CMC’s trust.

Translated by Mai Huong