The seminar was a significant forum that helped realize the Central Military Commission’s Resolution No.847 on “Promoting virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, resolutely fighting against individualism in the new situation.”

An overview of the seminar

During the seminar, delegates analyzed great values of ‘Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ title, the rightfulness and the need to issue Resolution No.847, identification of tricks to bring down the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and ways to immunize against the negative effects of the market economy, pushing back individualism by the strength of the collective, and responsibility of today’s generation in preserving the culture of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, among others.

In his opening remarks, Major General Doan Xuan Bo, Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper emphasized that the ‘Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ title is sacred, noble, and a cultural value of Vietnam. The title is also the pride of Vietnamese military and people in particular, and of the nation in general. The Vietnamese military was founded by the Party and Uncle Ho. The ‘Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ title was named by Vietnamese people as a reward, a trust, and a wish that local people give the military and as a noble and sacred duty that they assign to them.

Major General Doan Xuan Bo, Editor-in-Chief of the People's Army Newspaper, speaks at the event.

However, downsides and negative consequences of the open-door policy and intensive integration of the country have appeared, creating conditions for individualism to break out.

Major General Bo pointed out negative cases of high-ranking military officers over the past time with subjective causes of greed, lack of practice, loose management, despite the principles of organization and leadership in Party activities.

The PAN Editor-in-Chief stressed the importance of Resolution No.847 in orienting the military to be politically-strong in a fundamental and long-term manner and in addressing urgent issues. He also underlined the need to have more strong and substantial solutions to beautify virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers, including the resolute fight against individualism.

The seminar sees the attendance of numerous experts and scholars.

Agreeing with Major General Bo, former Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan said that no nation in the world is like Vietnam which over the past 77 years, since the declaration of national independence, has experienced three patriotic wars with the noble goal of gaining independence, unification, and happiness for the nation.

The former governmental leader confirmed that with a heroic military, Vietnam, a poor and underdeveloped nation could defeat powerful foreign invaders.

Emphasizing that the sentiment between Uncle Ho and the military and vice versa was exemplary for the ties between a country leader with revolutionary troops, Professor, Doctor Hoang Chi Bao said that the ‘Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ title is sacred and unique.

According to Lt. Gen. Phung Khac Dang, former Deputy Director of the General Department of Political Affairs and former Vice President of the Veterans’ Association of Vietnam, the virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers have shined in disaster relief, disease prevention, fire fighting, international obligation, such as engagement in U.N. peacekeeping operations in very harsh conditions.

At the seminar, Doctor of Philology Nguyen Thi Hau from the Vietnam Education Publishing House touchingly said that in any periods, troops always play a core role and hold great responsibility in the national construction and protection. “Whether in the resistance war against French colonialists, American imperialists, or in peacetime, Uncle Ho’s soldiers are always the belief and hope of the whole nation and are beloved children of the Fatherland of Vietnam,” Ms. Hau emphasized.

In order to bring into play the tradition of the heroic military and beautify the virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldier in the new situation, delegates agreed that the whole military must strictly observe military discipline and orders and effectively implement resolutions of the Party Central Committee and Central Military Commission, including Resolution No.847.

They also reached an agreement on enhancing political and ideological education to raise awareness and reasonability of cadres, party members and the public of promoting Uncle Ho’s soldiers’ virtues and resolutely combating individualism, contributing to consolidating the trust in the Party and the political system.

According to Prof., Dr. Hoang Chi Bao, troops need to learn from reality to have firm ideological stance. He also stressed the exemplary role of commanders to tighten the troops-people ties. To that end, mass mobilization work must be carried out effectively so that people will further love and trust troops.

At the seminar, delegates also pointed out advantages and challenges facing troops and the important role of party cells in the military to fight against signs of degradation, “self-evolution,” “self-transformation,” and individualism and to improve revolutionary morality and stance to be loyal to the Party, Fatherland, and people.

Other suggestions to beautifying the virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers included opening of a political education drive in the whole military to make changes in troops’ perception and actions, building of a military cultural environment, promotion of exemplarity and expelling of negative phenomena to build up a strong, standardized, elite, modernized military and firmly defend the achievements of the national revolution, renewal process, socialism building and Fatherland protection.

The dissemination of Resolution No.847, the enforcement of State laws, military discipline, and other regulations are also important to create collective strength and prevent individualism in a timely manner.

Sending thanks to the delegates for their participation and opinions, Major General Bo said that the PAN will study and promote the role of revolutionary press in information dissemination and opinion orientation to ensure that the military press will both reflect reality, and lead activities on improving revolutionary morality and promoting virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new era.

Translated by Mai Huong