Over the past time, the academy has attached much importance to renovating teaching methods to build high-quality and comprehensive human resources with theoretical, military, defense and security knowledge about Party building and national protection in the current context.

Senior Lieutenant General Tran Viet Khoa chairs the ceremony.

After a month-length course, 101 trainees completed the two courses as planned.

In particular, during the course on defense-security knowledge, participants studied defense-security strategies of some foreign countries related to Vietnam’s defense-security, strategy on national protection in the new period, the Vietnamese Party’s viewpoint on building the whole people defense disposition associated with the whole people security posture, management and protection of national sovereignty over sea and islands and border, combat against the “peaceful evolution,” riot and overthrow plot of hostile forces, and more.

Delegates at the event

Attending the course on advanced political theory, trainees were equipped with systematic knowledge of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s thought. The officers also learned about the history and building of the Communist Party of Vietnam, defense-security, foreign affairs, politics, economy, culture, to name but a few.

Senior Lieutenant General Luong Dinh Hong, Political Commissar of the National Defense Academy, hands over certificates of merit to outstanding individuals.

Mr. Vo Van Thi, Deputy Chairman of the Dong Nai provincial People’s Committee and senior student of the refresher course on defense-security knowledge, shared that after the course, the participants acquired more knowledge about defense-security and theoretical and practical issues.

Concluding the ceremony, Senior Lieutenant General Tran Viet Khoa, Director of the National Defense Academy, granted certificates of merit to trainees and honored outstanding individuals with excellent studying records after the course.

Trainees and leaders of the academy in a joint photo

Meanwhile, the academy’s director required the trainees to continue thoroughly grasping the theoretical and practical issues and effectively applying acquired knowledge to real situations, especially in performing defense, military, and security tasks.

Translated by Quynh Oanh