At the working session with Radar Station 540, Regiment 352 of Naval Region 3, the delegation was briefed on the unit’s task performance in the first six months of 2023. According to the reports presented at the meeting, over the past time, the station has strictly observed regulations, especially combat readiness. Troops have demonstrated their firm stance and readiness to undertake and complete all assigned missions. 

Senior Captain Nguyen Thien Quan checking Radar Station 540’s observance of combat readiness regulations

Together with maintaining the operation of radars, the station has well cooperated with agencies, units, and sectors to grasp situations at sea and low-altitude airspace and promptly reported to higher levels to handle circumstances in a timely and effective manner. The unit has effectively conducted mass mobilization work, protected political security and public order, and paid attention to gratitude activities

Concluding the inspection, the Commander of Naval Region 3 acknowledged and praised Radar Station 540 for its achievements in the first six months of 2023 and asked the station to continue to stay united and overcome shortcomings to excellently complete assigned missions. He urged the unit to strictly manage designated targets at sea and conduct training to enhance troops’ mastery of modern equipment.

Capt. Quan added that Radar Station 540’s Party Committee and Chain-of-Command should closely collaborate with local forces to thoroughly grasp situation at sea to discover and handle circumstances in a timely manner. The unit should foster cooperation with other forces in conduct search and rescue missions at sea and ensure logistics supplies during stormy season, contributing to the region’s accomplishment of assigned missions. 

Translated by Tran Hoai