Major General Vu Hong Quang, Political Commissar of the Commando Corps, attended and delivered a speech at the ceremony.

Major General Vu Hong Quang, Political Commissar of the Commando Corps, pins the second-class Fatherland Protection onto the unit's victory flag.

Over the past 55 years of construction, combat and development, the Department of Political Affairs under the Commando Corps has been increasingly growing in all aspects, ensuring the direct and absolute leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam over the special operations (commando) force. The department has provided timely recommendations for the corps’ leaderships to direct affiliated units, organs and schools to well implement Party and political work while enhancing solidarity, unity, and strength of Party organizations.

Speaking at the event, Major General Vu Hong Quang applauded special achievements of the department over the past time. He urged the organ to continue improving their staff work and giving exact recommendations to the corps’ Party Committee and the Command on operating Party and political work. He asked the unit to focus on building strong Party committees and organizations in term of politics, ideology, structure, and ethics in combination with building firm commandership, improving capabilities of political personnel and political organs at all levels.

On behalf of the State President, General Quang handed over the second-class Fatherland Protection Order to the Department of Political Affairs under the Commando Corps.

Previously, a delegation of the Department of Political Affairs offered flowers and incense to heroic martyrs at the Memorial Stele of Commando Martyrs.

Translated by Trung Thanh