Having welcomed new recruits, units’ officers enthusiastically instructed them to get used to regulations. They also talked to and encouraged enlisted youths to help them feel secure to fulfill all assigned missions.

Below are photos depicting the first days of new enlistees at units under the Naval Service:

Commanding Officer of Battalion 158 of Naval Region 1 guiding the recruits to fold blankets
Non-commissioned Lieutenant Commander Tran Van Toan from the Staff Department of Naval Region 1 and his son who has been enlisted to Brigade 147
Battalion 355 of Naval Region 3 solemnly holding a ceremony to receive recruits
An officer talking to new enlistees
Lieutenant Commander Nguyen Dai Dong, Commanding Officer of Battalion 1, briefing enlistees on the unit’s situation
Commanding officer of the Training Center of Naval Region 4 welcoming recruits
Commander Le Hai Bang, Political Commissar of Battalion 864 of Brigade 101 of Naval Region 4, talking to troops

Translated by Chung Anh