At the event, leaders of Khanh Hoa province and the Naval Region 4 Command presented gifts and encouraged members of the delegation.

Visiting and extending New Year greetings to troops and people in Truong Sa island district is a good tradition that is annually held on the occasion of the lunar New Year (Tet).

This time, Ships 571 and 561 of the Naval Region 4 Command and Ship KN 490 and KN 491 of Fisheries Surveillance Squadron No.4 of the Vietnam Fisheries Resource Surveillance Department are in charge of carrying the delegation, necessities, and gifts from people in the mainland for troops and people in Truong Sa island district.

The gifts are expected to help troops and people in the island district have a happy New Year 2023 and serve as encouragement for them to successfully accomplish assigned missions, contributing to firmly safeguarding national sovereignty over sea and islands.

The visit to Truong Sa island district also demonstrates the concern and care of the Party, State, Ministry of National Defense, and people across country for troops and people in the island district.

Leaders of Khanh Hoa province and the Naval Region 4 Command present gifts to the delegation before the trip.
Presenting flower to members of the delegation
Tet gifts for troops and people in Truong Sa island district loaded on ships 

Translated by Tran Hoai