According to Commander of Naval Region 3 Senior Captain Nguyen Thien Quan, over the past years, the Navy has focused on igniting the naval troops’ love for national sea and islands and ships. To achieve the goal, agencies and units have attached importance to political and ideological education work to help troops identify plots and schemes of hostile forces.

Thanks to good dissemination and education, current troops and sailors understand the contribution of the former generations to protecting national sea and islands and continental shelf, thus motivating them to enhance revolutionary vigilance, determination, readiness to undertake dangerous missions, and sacrifice to firmly protect national sovereignty over sea and islands. In addition to that, the naval region has trained a contingent of troops with firm political stance, professional competence, rich knowledge, capability to acquire and creatively apply new modern military scientific and technological advances, and master weapons and equipment. 

Sr. Capt. Nguyen Thien Quan (third from the right) inspecting Brigade 172’s task performance

To better meet task requirements, the Naval Region 3 Command has urged its units to practice different scenarios, especially complicated contents. Since the situation at sea remains unexpected, the missions for the naval force will be tougher. Therefore, the naval region has paid attention to enhancing crew-members’ mastery of weapons and equipment and strengthening the coordination among ships.  

In addition, agencies and units in the region have fostered the implementation of the “Managing, exploiting weapons, technical equipment well, durably, safely, economically and ensuring traffic safety” movement, gradually raising synchronism and accuracy of technical features, machines, technical equipment to meet the requirement of training, combat readiness, operations in the new situation. 

Over the past years, the “Determined-to-Win” movement of the naval region has obtained practical results. According to Sr. Capt. Quan, the “Determined-to-Win” movement is a driving force to well complete all assigned missions, so the naval region has determined detailed contents and targets.

As an important force in protecting national sovereignty over sea and islands and conducting search and rescue at sea, the naval region’s agencies and units have attached much importance to political and ideological work and education to raise troops’ awareness of missions and their ability to identify hostile forces’ schemes.

They have also paid attention to enhancing troops’ firm political mettle, revolutionary vigilance, and determination to undertake and complete any missions despite difficulties and hardships. Determining training and combat readiness as its key political mission, the naval region has focused on improving the quality of combat training, especially training for forces tasked with protecting sovereignty over sea and islands, conducting search and rescue at sea. Its obtained results have helped resolve key issues. As a result, the “Determined-to-Win” movement of agencies and units in the region has obtained practical results.

Translated by Tran Hoai