The event was attended by Deputy Political Commissar of Naval Region 3 Senior Captain Luu Thanh Chuong and representatives from the district’s education and training office, youth organization, agencies, and sectors.

Delegates joining the program

During the program, delegates and outstanding members of the Young Pioneer Organization toured the accommodation and studying facilities of naval officers and soldiers; visited the Hall of Fame of the Naval Region 3 Command to learn about the construction, combat, and development of the Vietnam People's Navy; had cultural and artistic exchanges with naval officers and soldiers.

Naval officers’ children receiving gifts

The organizing panel presented 300 national flags and 21 gifts, worth over VND 10 million, to children whose fathers or mothers are working in agencies and units of Naval Region 3.

Delegates and children in a joint photo

This is the second time that the Naval Region 3 Command has worked with the Youth Organization and Education and Training Division of Lien Chieu district to organize the program. This event aimed to educate children and adolescents about the tradition and history of the country and the role of the Vietnamese naval force in safeguarding the national sovereignty over sea and islands.

Translated by Chung Anh