The delegation pays tribute to Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap.

In a solemn atmosphere, Gen. Cuong and the delegation paid tribute to former Politburo members, including Sr. Lt. Gen. Le Kha Phieu, former Party General Secretary and former Director of the General Department of Political Affairs (GDP); Gen. Le Duc Anh, former State President and Defense Minister; Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, former Secretary of the Central Military Commission (CMC), former Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People’s Army, and former Defense Minister; former GDP Directors Gen. Nguyen Chi Thanh and Gen. Chu Huy Man; and former Defense Ministers Gen. Van Tien Dung, Gen. Doan Khue, Gen. Phung Quang Thanh. They also offered incense and flowers to former GS Chiefs and former Deputy Defense Ministers Gen. Hoang Van Thai and Gen. Le Trong Tan.

Gen. Cuong expressed respect, thanks and gratitude to the leaders for their great contribution to the revolutionary cause of the Party, nation, and military.

He also inquired after the leaders’ relatives and hoped that they would continue promoting glorious traditions and contribute more to the development of the country and military.

The same day, Gen. Cuong visited and presented gifts to Gen. Pham Van Tra, former Politburo member, former Defense Minister; Gen. Do Ba Ty, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, former GS Chief, and former Deputy Defense Minister; and Lt. Gen. Dang Quan Thuy, former member of the Party Central Committee, former Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, and former Head of the Defense-Security Committee of the National Assembly.

On behalf of the CMC and MND, Gen. Cuong expressed gratitude to the former military leaders and wished them good health. He hoped that with their rich experience, they would contribute more to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the cause of building a revolutionary, regular, elite and gradually-modernized military.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong (L) and Gen. Pham Van Tra

He reported on the whole military’s achievements in military and defense task implementation in the first six months and key missions for the rest of the year.

For their parts, the leaders expressed their trust in the current military leaders and commanders and hoped that the whole military would continue upholding solidarity, and unity in will and act, building a strong and healthy Military Party Organization, and excellently complete all assignments.

Translated by Mai Huong