Militiawoman Lo Thi Thanh Phong from Nghiu village, Thanh Luong commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province shared that she is honored to participate in the parade in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu Victory. Therefore, she and her comrades have heightened their determination and overcome all difficulties to accomplish the significant mission.

Militiawomen practice armed line-up regulations in Regiment 741.

Accordingly, Regiment 741 has been assigned to train armed line-up regulations for militiawomen parade formation. They are carefully selected and meet the requirements in terms of health, height, weight, etc.

In order to raise the quality of training work, Regiment 741 has focused on ensuring logistics for participating troops. Particularly, meals on training days are worth VND 240,000 per person a day while those on preliminary and rehearsal days are valued at VND 320,000. Each female militia is provided with 3 million VND to buy moisturizing cream and sunscreen. Drinks are served at both the training ground, the accommodation and dining room. Troops’ spiritual life is paid much attention to, among others.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Dinh Thuan, Political Commissar of Regiment 741, the parade is a significant part of the ceremony in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory, contributing to showing the power of the armed forces in general, as well as the growth of the Party Committee, people and the armed forces of Dien Bien province in particular. Therefore, the unit has prioritized the training task for the militiawomen parade formation to ensure the success of the parade. He also expressed his belief that the militiawomen would successfully accomplish the mission.

Translated by Quynh Oanh