Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defense Minister presided over the plenary session of the Council on Checking and Recognizing the title “MND-level Good Lecturer” in 2019.

According to a report from the Department of Military School Management, so far more than 1,100 military lecturers have been recognized as MND-level good lecturers. In this seventh recognition drive, the Department has received 280 dossiers on candidate lecturers from 44 military academies and schools.

Senior Lieutenant General Phan Van Giang addresses the event

Of the candidates, there are 82 doctorate degree holders, 154 master degree holders and 37 with university degrees. Attentively, 26 out of the 280 candidates are professors and associate professors.

The Secretariat of the council checked and approved 269 out of the 280 dossiers.

At the meeting, the council’s members gave opinions and selected qualified lecturers to submit to the MND for approval.

In his speech, General Giang emphasized that awarding such a title to lecturers aims to recognize the military lecturers’ credits and great contributions to the education and training cause of the nation in general and of the military in particular. With the recognition of this title, lecturers will have a motivation to strive for other titles presented by the State such as “People’s Teacher” and “Eminent Teacher”.

* After hearing reports at the “Determined to Win” Emulation Congress of Central Military Hospital 108 for the 2014-2019 period, Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Chi Vinh, Deputy Defense Minister applauded the hospital’s staff for their task accomplishments over the past five years.

General Vinh stressed that the hospital should follow President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching: “Good doctors are like nurturing mothers”, pay due attention to completing their key political missions, ensure personnel, medicine and medical equipment for regular and unscheduled tasks.

The hospital’s Party Committee and Directorate were urged to renovate contents and forms of emulation drives, concentrate on fixing shortcomings, and building politically-, ideologically-, organizationally- and morally-strong party organizations and cells at all levels and a comprehensively-strong hospital which is always ready to undertake and fulfill all assignments.

For five years now, Central Military Hospital 108 has tried its best to complete all assigned missions. It has kept renovating and reforming administrative procedures, creating favorable conditions for patients during their treatment at the hospital, and carrying out a number of creative models to better serve patients.

Notably, various scientific studies of the hospital’s staff have received both domestic and international awards, contributing to the national medical sector’s development.

At the conference at the General Department of Defense Industry

* In 2019, the General Department of Defense Industry embraced higher levels’ resolutions and directives, overcame difficulties to complete their military-defense missions and gave good recommendations on defense industry to higher level authorities. The department also conducted missile testing, produced more defense products with high quality. It also generated more jobs and increased workers’ income.

Addressing the department’s politico-military conference, Senior Lieutenant General Be Xuan Truong, Deputy Defense Minister praised the department for the good outcomes. He said that in 2020 and subsequent years, the department should effectively carry out the Politburo’s Resolution No 6 on building and developing defense industry, and other approved plans.

General Truong noted that they should focus on restructuring military ship building enterprises and completing major investment projects and science and technology projects.

* Having hailed the achievements recorded by military judicial bodies, inspection and legislation committees, Border Guard and Coast Guard forces in 2019, Senior Lieutenant General Le Chiem, Deputy Defense Minister requested them to continue obtaining achievements in performing their tasks in 2020, promote crime prevention, and give good advice to the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense to complete the project on judicial reform.

At the video conference to review military force organization work in 2019

* Concluding a video conference to review military force organization work in 2019 and work out missions for 2020, Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Deputy Chief of the General Staff hailed defense agencies and military units for their efforts during the year. He asked them to contribute ideas to the project on adjusting the organization of the Vietnam People’s Army in the current period, and carry out the project on planning military schools.

In the short run, the military should ensure on-duty forces during the upcoming Lunar New Year festival and work with local party committees and authorities to select qualified enlistees.

* Over the past five years, the Political Officer Training School has actively renovated its education and training programs, improved the school’s position and prestige, and built a comprehensively strong Party committee and a regular, advanced and exemplary school.

Senior Lieutenant General Do Can, Deputy Director of the General Department of Politics hoped that the school will strive to become an exemplary and prestigious officer training school of the military.

Translated by Mai Huong