With the spirit of “A donated drop of blood saves a life” and “no one left behind,” after the launching ceremony, hundreds of officers and medical personnel of the hospital, and locals donated their blood.

Troops and people join the blood donation event.

As a result, the organizing board reportedly received over 370 blood units, contributing to the blood shortage for patient treatment.

The blood donation drive took place amid the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, so all prevention and control measures  were well observed. Accordingly, participants had their body temperature checked, wore face masks and cleaned hands with disinfectant solutions so as to ensure absolute safety throughout the event.

Leader of the hospital donating blood

According to the hospital’s Deputy Director Senior Colonel Nguyen Quoc Khanh, this was a regular program of the hospital and the local Steering Committee for Voluntary Blood Donation which has contributed to beautifying the images of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the current context.

Translated by Minh Anh