Gifts presented to policy beneficiaries and needy people

In this program themed “I love my Fatherland,” the organizing panel conducted a series of activities, including disseminating information about the Party’s guidelines and policy, the State’s laws, situations at sea and on islands, national border markers and borderline, and historic sites in border areas; participating in patrols along maritime border; joining cultural, artistic, sports exchange programs and folk games; visiting and presenting gifts to policy beneficiaries and needy people and troops in the locality.

Gifts handed over to households with hard living conditions

The program aimed to give troops, Youth Union members and local youths a better understanding of difficulties of border troops on duty in border areas and contributed to tightening the military-civilian ties.

It was an occasion for the province’s youths to show their sentiments towards the hometown and Fatherland as well as their responsibilities for national sovereignty over sea and islands and border security.

Translated by Quynh Oanh