Addressing the meeting, General Anh underlined the important position of the school in providing high-quality human resource to build up the military and take care of the people’s and soldiers’ health.
Lt. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh visits the Military Medical University. |
At the same time, he urged the school to seriously carry out directions and regulations of higher levels on organizing a cozy, safe and economical Tet holiday; and pay due attention to raising troops’ living standards, especially those in difficult circumstances.
In 2024, the Military Medical University plans to further complete tasks in fields of military-defense and education, promote cooperation with other medical facilities inside and outside the military, foster scientific research, beef up relations with international partners, and improve troops’ competence and political stance.
* The same day, General Anh paid a Tet visit to the Military Political Academy. Last year, the school successfully fulfilled all set targets, particularly in education, scientific research, information technology application, and digital transformation.
Lt. Gen. Nguyen Doan Anh presents gifts to the Military Political Academy. |
Meanwhile, the school’s chains-of-command has set up plans to ensure combat readiness posture while welcoming the Tet holiday.
General Anh highly valued the school’s task performance over the past time, adding that they should continuously implement higher levels’ resolutions and regulations on enhancing combat readiness quality, try their best in education, training and scientific research, care for troops’ living standards, and ensure absolute safety during the Tet holiday.
Translated by Chung Anh