On behalf of the school’s Party Committee and Board of Administrators, Senior Colonel Le Xuan Hung, Rector of the Signal Officers Training School, reported on the unit’s task performance in 2022 and the first quarter of 2023. Accordingly, the school thoroughly organized and implemented the resolutions of the Party, the Central Military Commission and the plans of higher levels.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh chairs the working session.

The Signal Officers Training School managed and conducted training in various fields for thousands of cadets and learners, ensuring discipline and quality. The school also organized end-of-course graduation exams according to plan and conducted outdoor training activities and exercises with absolute safety. Additionally, the school trained international officers with good results. Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh praised the school's recent achievements but also pointed out its limitations, which need to be addressed to improve the quality of education and training in the future.

An overview of the working session

To this end, Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh required the school to continue implementing the resolutions of the Central Military Commission, particularly Resolution 1657-NQ/QUTW issued on December 20, 2022, on education and training work. The school should focus on identifying the target audience and specific content of the training program, with innovative training content and program, and output standards to promote the construction of a smart school. The school should also apply digital transformation to education and training, with training and learning methods making use of modern technologies. Emphasis should be placed on the skills of young instructors, and knowledge and experience must be gradually improved.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh and delegates inspects the school.

Leaders and commanding officers at all levels should build discipline and closely monitor all activities within the school to improve the quality of managers and instructors, setting an example for students to follow. The school needs to improve the quality of managing modern projects, focus on building output standards, do well in military enrollment, ensure good infrastructure, logistics, and technology. The school should also do well in Party and political work, contributing to building clean and strong Party organizations and comprehensive strong units.

Translated by Trung Thanh