Rear Admiral Nguyen Anh Tuan, Commander of the Naval Region 2 Command, and the region's  Political Commissar Senior Captain Vu Anh Tuan chaired the event.

An overview of the event

At the meeting, Rear Admiral Pham Xuan Diep, Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City Veterans’ Association, congratulated officers and soldiers of Naval Region 2 on their achievements in military-defense work, safeguarding national territory over sea, ensuring regular patrols to manage and protect national fishing grounds, as well as maintaining an environment of peace and stability.

Speaking at the event, Senior Captain Do Hong Duyen, Political Chief of Naval Region 2, informed delegates of national sea and island situation in recent days and the process of building a revolutionary, regular, elite, and gradually modern navy to meet the task requirements in the new context.

Senior Captain Do Hong Duyen addresses the event.

This was a meaningful activity to give Ho Chi Minh City’s war veterans a better understanding of the Vietnam People’s Army and Vietnam People’s Navy as well.

Together with coordination in duty performance, deputies of the Ho Chi Minh City Veterans’ Association had field trips to Brigade 167 to learn more about troops’ daily life and training activities.

Translated by Quynh Oanh