The event was chaired by the Ho Chi Minh City Command’s Political Commissar Major General Phan Van Xung and attended by around 240 troops of Gia Dinh Regiment.

Major General Phan Van Xung speaks at the event.

In a democratic atmosphere, participating troops voiced their opinions related to training missions as well as the implementation of policies for troops and regulations on troops’ rights and responsibilities.

At the event, Major General Phan Van Xung clarified troops’ opinions and answered their queries. He also asked relevant agencies and units to take troops’ opinions and proposals into consideration and deal with them in a timely and effective manner to ensure their legitimate rights. 

Troop speaking at the dialogue

Through the dialogue, Ho Chi Minh Command expected to learn more about troops’ thoughts and aspirations, thus developing suitable leadership guidelines and measures to foster solidarity and build healthy and strong Party organizations and comprehensively strong agencies and units.

Translated by Tran Hoai