The exercise saw the presence of Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Nguyen Van Phong; member of the standing board of the municipal Party Committee and Permanent Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Le Hong Son; Director of Hanoi Public Security Department Lieutenant General Nguyen Hai Trung; Deputy Political Commissar of the Hanoi Capital Command Major General Nguyen Xuan Yem.

Chairman of Me Linh district People’s Committee Hoang Anh Tuan addresses the event.

In his opening speech, Chairman of Me Linh district People’s Committee Hoang Anh Tuan spoke highly of the theoretical and practical significance of the exercise, saying that it aimed to meet the Fatherland construction and defense requirements in the new situation.

Tuan stressed that the district was entrusted to conduct the exercise right in the first year of implementing the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and after the successful election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and people’s councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 period.

An overview of the event

The district's leader mentioned several challenges facing the district, such as difficult contents of the exercise, deployment of a large number of personnel, equipment, weapons, and other materiel, many inexperienced key cadres who have first joined the exercise. However, with a high sense of responsibility and high resolve and due attention paid by the city’s leaders, Hanoi Capital Command, Hanoi Public Security Department, the district made thorough preparation for the event.

Right after the opening ceremony, the district started the exercise with the operation of the exercise mechanisms. In particular, the standing board of the district Party Committee issued a leadership resolution while the district People’s Committee deploying the missions of shifting the locality to the state of emergency on national security and national defense, mobilizing and receiving reservists. Meanwhile, the district public security force held a meeting to assign troops to safeguard key areas, including Quang Minh industrial park.

Translated by Mai Huong