PANO – A delegation of Hanoi People’s Committee led by its chairman Nguyen The Thao paid a working visit to the Academy of Politics on January 17th

At the working session, Major-General Nguyen Dinh Minh, the Academy’s Rector, briefed the delegation on the mission implementation of the Academy over the past time. In recent years, under the leadership and instruction of the Military Central Commission and the Defence Ministry, as well as the assistance of party committees, local authorities and armed forces of Hanoi City, the Academy successfully fulfilled its assigned tasks, fully playing its role as the training and social sciences and humanities research centre of the Army and the nation.

Mr. Nguyen The Thao highly appreciated achievements of the Academy in training defence knowledge for cadres and troops, building a strong local political basis, disseminating guidelines and policies of the Party and the State, ensuring security and public order in the locality, carrying out gratitude activities and hunger elimination and poverty reduction movements, as well as taking part in the movements “Whole people unite to build cultural life” and “The Army joins hands to build new rural areas”.

Chairman Thao also appreciated the achievements of the academy in training security and defence knowledge for cadres from civilian agencies, departments, universities and colleges in the city, making contributions to the industrialization and modernization cause of the city.

He hoped that in the coming time the Academy would further train qualified staff and actively take part in activities of the city, as well as promote security and public order in the locality where it is stationed.

Translated by Tran Hoai