On inspecting the flotilla and being briefed by the command and other functional forces, General Tien applauded and highly appreciated great efforts of relevant agencies, units, and the locality for building the standing maritime militia flotilla of Da Nang city.

General Tien inspects Da Nang naval militia flotilla.

He highlighted the advisory role of the municipal military command for the municipal People’s Committee to build the force, ensure budget for its operation, and organize training programs in line with regulations and with absolute safety.

Regarding future duties, the deputy chief of the General Staff asked relevant units to coordinate to help the force’s members master assigned materiel to perform their tasks. They should also provide the force with updated information, political knowledge; guide their thoughts; and make them aware of their duties so that they could show their determination to undertake and complete all assignments.

General Tien concludes the inspection visit.

General Tien also asked functional agencies under Military Region 5 and Da Nang municipal Military Command to boost inspection, concentrate on preserving and maintaining good technical conditions of equipment, as well as effectively perform firefighting task.

Authorized agencies of the Ministry of National Defense and General Staff were urged to continue to build and perfect a system of documents on all working aspects of the force.

On the occasion, General Tien and representative of the Military Region 5 Command presented gifts to the standing naval militia flotilla.

Translated by Mai Huong