The exercise is under the theme: Ensuring logistics supplies for infantry battalions and regiments to shift combat readiness posture to a higher level, maneuvering forces, preparing and attacking preset positions.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh speaks at the meeting with the Military Logistics Academy.

During the exercise, each cadet had to carry a 23kg bag while marching a distance of 90km. Participants, including female ones, also had to cross a river.

One of the new features in this exercise was the application of IT to most of the contents and the use of new modern equipment. A system of cameras was installed for officers in the command post to fully observe the exercise.

On hearing reports and inspecting the exercise, Gen. Anh praised the Military Logistics Academy for its thorough preparation and close direction to organize the exercise close to real conditions.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Doan Anh and delegates inspect the field for the drill.

The deputy chief of the General Staff asked the academy to focus on practicing contents of on-the-spot logistics, conducting mass mobilization, and ensuring absolute safety of personnel and equipment. He added that exercise contents must be close to reality and combat scenarios.

Translated by Tran Hoai