According to Major General Nguyen Viet Hung, Deputy Political Commissar of the General Department of Defense Industry, Head of the Committee for Women’s Advancement of the general department, information dissemination work has been promoted in the whole unit to raise troops’ awareness of the gender equality work for women’s advancement. Currently, the rate of female officers reaches 10.3% of the total number of women working in the unit, while the number of female officers holding high positions accounts for 2.4% of the total number of female cadres.

Producing fireworks at Factory Z121

In addition to creating a favorable environment for women, the general department’s leaders have also taken care of their lives, ensured policies for them, especially for those doing arduous, hazardous, and dangerous jobs.

In order to increase income, women’s associations at the grassroots level have maintained and promoted the movement of "Women helping each other develop household economy,” “Women good at doing business,” and other savings models to maintain and supplement capital sources. They have also mobilized nearly VND 2 billion from various sources to help women develop their own economic projects.

Besides, the unit has also taken care of women with difficulties and serious diseases. Since the beginning of the year, the general department has spent totally VND 377 million on the work. They have also supported childless officers, encouraged them to fulfill assigned missions while building families.

In the coming time, on the basis of achievements in the implementation of “For the women’s advancement” work, the Party Committee of the General Department of Defense Industry will continue promoting information dissemination at all levels while calling for more resources to ensure social welfare for women with difficulties, help them raise their living standards, and develop the economy.

Translated by Minh Anh