Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang speaks at the event.

In his speech, Gen. Giang stressed that the MND has focused its leadership and direction on realizing higher levels’ resolutions and conclusion on restructuring the military in the 2025-2030 period and beyond.

Up to date, the military has had some newly-merged agencies, namely the Vietnam Defense Strategy and History Institute (the merger of the Institutes of Military History and Defense Strategy), the Department of Finance (the merger of the Departments of Economic Affairs, Finance, Planning and Investment), both under the MND; the Department of Operations (the merger of the Departments of Cartography and Operations) under the GS; and the Department of Policy-Social Affairs (the merger of the Department of Policy and the MND’s Social Insurance Agency) under the GDP.

The defense chief added that the re-structuring of the military is an objective necessity, in line with reality. It also demonstrates a new mindset and a new vision on reorganizing the military’s forces to meet increasing requirements in the national construction, defense and defense consolidation cause.

Gen. Giang presents the "Determined-to-Win" military flag to the  Department of Policy-Social Affairs.
The Vietnam Defense Strategy and History Institute receives the "Determined-to-Win" military flag.

He requested Party committees, chains-of-command at all levels, officers, soldiers, and employees to deeply, fully, and correctly perceive the position and significance of merging and restructuring agencies, show determination to make breakthroughs, overcome difficulties, and complete all assignments and build comprehensively-strong, exemplary and typical agencies while promoting achievements of their predecessors.

Newly-merged agencies and units should promptly stabilize their personnel organization and assign specific tasks. Party committees and chains-of-command at all levels in the military were asked to well manage their staff’s thought and ensure policy for them. In addition, they should make good preparations and successfully organize Party congresses at all levels, building healthy and strong Party committees and cells and promote internal solidarity.

Translated by Mai Huong