In detail, Lt. Gen. Le Quang Minh and the GDP’s delegation offered incense to pay tribute to General Chu Huy Man and Senior Lieutenant General Song Hao, who were former GDP Directors.

Lt. Gen. Le Quang Minh and the delegation visit and offer incense in tribute to General Chu Huy Man.

In a solemn atmosphere, they expressed their gratitude to the two former leaders for the great contribution to the cause of national liberation, construction and defense, as well as the building of the Vietnam People’s Army and the GDP.

Lt. Gen. Minh offering incense in tribute to Sr. Lt. Gen. Song Hao
Gen. Minh talking with relatives of Sr. Lt. Gen. Song Hao

During the visit to former GDP Deputy Director Lieutenant General Dam Dinh Trai, Gen. Minh wished him good health and hoped that he would make more contribution to the Party's revolutionary cause and the building of a revolutionary, regular, elite and gradually-modernized military.

Translated by Chung Anh