Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet addresses the event.

At the meeting, General Quyet praised and spoke highly of the great efforts of the institute’s medical staff over the past time, emphasizing that the institute has been the center of medical examination and treatment for officers, soldiers, and people in the locality and the whole military as well.

In 2021, despite the complicated developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, the institute’s personnel, with the high resolve and great dedication, made considerable contribution to the pandemic battle, contributing to promoting the development of Vietnam’s traditional medicine sector, raising the position of military doctors in ensuring healthcare for the people, and beautifying the image of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the people’s hearts.

General Quyet presents flowers to the institute.

Citing President Ho Chi Minh’s teaching “A good doctor is like a gentle mother,” General Quyet expressed his hope that the institute would continue upholding the traditions of military medicine, boosting scientific research to raise professionalism, promoting unity, and creating more favorable conditions for the institute’s medical staff to work in major hospitals and collaborate with foreign doctors while taking full advantage of all functions of the institute’s infrastructure and equipment.

On the occasion, Lieutenant General Trinh Van Quyet presented flowers to the institute and congratulated the whole medical staff of the institute on Vietnamese Physicians’ Day.

Translated by Quynh Oanh