The working delegation included Major General Vu Cong Hoa, Deputy Director of the GDP’s Department of Personnel, along with leaders from functional agencies of the GDP, the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, and Military Region 5.


Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau speaks at the inspection session with the Da Nang Municipal Military Command.

During the first half of 2023, the Party Committee and Military Command of Da Nang City have actively and pro-actively coordinated with agencies, departments, sectors, mass organizations, local Party committees, and authorities to provide advice and guidance on the comprehensive implementation of the Party's viewpoints and military-defense strategies for safeguarding the Fatherland. The city's armed forces have strictly followed the orders and instructions of the Ministry of National Defense and Military Region 5, regarding combat readiness tasks. They have cooperated with relevant forces to accurately assess and handle situations in a timely manner, ensuring political security and social order. The agencies and units have closely followed their assigned tasks, plans, and the actual situation, effectively carrying out Party work and political tasks.

During his speech, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Gau emphasized the need for the Da Nang Municipal Military Command to further capitalize on their strengths while focusing on overcoming limitations and shortcomings. This approach would help maintain and enhance the quality of task performance in the future. In line with their functions and responsibilities, the Party Committee and Military Command of Da Nang city should pro-actively grasp, forecast, and accurately assess the situation. They should have a clear understanding of their tasks and provide timely advice and proposals to Da Nang city and Military Region 5 regarding guidelines and solutions for implementing local defense and military tasks. Additionally, they should regularly review and supplement comprehensive training for various scenarios.

The Party Committee and Military Command of Da Nang city should strictly adhere to Resolution No.05-NQ/TW of the 13th Politburo, Resolution No.230-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission, which pertains to organizing the Vietnam People's Army during the 2021-2030 period and beyond, and Resolution No.1659-NQ/QUTW of the Central Military Commission, which focuses on improving the quality of training during the 2023-2030 period and beyond. They should prioritize maintaining discipline in training and exercises, enhancing the quality of regularity building, strengthening disciplinary management, ensuring the safety of agencies and units, and contributing to the comprehensive development of strong units.

Furthermore, the Party Committee and Military Command of Da Nang city should actively innovate content and approaches, improve the quality of political education, closely manage ideological matters, emphasize the establishment of clean and strong Party committees and organizations, strictly adhere to principles of Party operation, and enforce regulations pertaining to personnel work and internal security protection. They should also enhance the quality and effectiveness of political and ideological work, particularly in training and combat readiness tasks.

Translated by Trung Thanh