During the event, all new recruits of affiliated units under the division observed officers practicing AK rifle shooting lesson 4 and other troops maneuvering to shoot at metal target No.1 in daytime.

Through this event, the new enlistees learned about the command and training capability and competence of cadres at all levels as well as techno-tactical features of weapons, helping them feel secure to enter the training season.

Division 968 strongly believes that it will achieve high results in this year’s training season.

Below are several photos of the live-fire shooting test.

An overview of the training ground and the targets
Senior Colonel Phan Duc Khang, Second-in-Command and Chief of Staff of Division 968, talks about the goal and requirements of the live-fire shooting test.
Troops maneuvering to designated areas to open fire at metal targets in daytime
The shooting test is observed by the chains-of-command of Division 968 and its affiliates.
Newly-recruited soldiers observe the shooting test.

Translated by Mai Huong