Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam and the service's leaders in a joint photo photo (Photo: phongkhongkhongquan.vn)

During the event, Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam emphasized the effective implementation of defense industry tasks by the service, with many projects and plans being completed on schedule. This has contributed to improving their combat readiness and training quality, as well as managing the sky and flight operations.

The deputy defense minister requested the Air Defense - Air Force Service to continue developing their defense industry towards modernization, to meet the requirements of maintaining their assigned weapons and equipment, and to serve their technical affairs in the future.

At the meeting (Photo:phongkhongkhongquan.vn)

Senior Lieutenant General Pham Hoai Nam urged the service to continue collaborating with relevant agencies and units of the defense ministry to study and develop the defense industry following the set targets.

He emphasized that the unit should give priority to key products, technological modernization, upgrading research institutes' capabilities, and improving weapons and equipment to meet the task requirements in the time to come.

Translated by Trung Thanh